Monday, October 27, 2008

preparing for my Fashion school's exam

ITs had been long time i dint leave any messg here..IT had been quiet busy weeks passed for these days..Sometimes busy until can felt that tired of these life..but im still fighting for my future..tat`s me..Since i decide to choose to be here..i knew i cant get back to usual..i know that much more hard challenging is waiting for me and i not sure either i can make over them..but i really will try my hard it is..i also wont disappoint my parents and friends..Since came here..really found out that learning a language is more hard than learning fashion..and i have to study a language within a year which they take 12 years to learn..its impossible but try to make it possible..i can make it till today really unbelievable for me..i learned to get stronger ..i learned to independence.. but one thing bad is..i forgot a lot of own languages..

1 comment:

GreenElf said...

All the best eh, Shin Ying! Keep up the good job, You can do it!